Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So excited, I just had to post!

Congratulations, Eric and Emily!

I have been reading about their adventures for well over a year now and their blog (and several others!) is one of the main reasons I came around to the idea of moving to Brasil in the first place! It's really crazy how you feel like you get to know someone over the internet, isn't it?! So excited for them and Miss Gabriela and can't wait to read about what's next for them...and us, too! :)

And since I'm here and posting, a quick update on our end...

Visas have been submitted and we pick them up TOMORROW, baby shower and going away party on Saturday (and our 1 year anniversary, though, I think our gift to each other is going to be a babymoon in June...or a puppy, but I think that's a bit too much change in one year, so we'll see!) and then on Monday and Tuesday the movers come to pack up all of our stuff and the "Babies R Us" store that has opened up in our living room these past few weeks! No joke, we have bought EVERYTHING this little girl is going to need for the first 3 months of life, but I still feel like I'm forgetting something. We ordered most everything online to get better deals and to avoid sales tax, so when we went to Target yesterday to get some other last minute things, I almost started crying when I walked down one of the baby aisles! It is just so overwhelming to see all of that "stuff" in one place...and SO MANY options! Immediately, I felt like grabbing a cart and walking down the aisle with my arm out to push as much stuff in as possible to make sure we have everything! Thinking that would be awkward, I grabbed Bond and was like, "get me out of here before I make you question why you married me!"

So, I'm now banned from mega box stores before we leave and that is fine with me! The only things left to shop for are clothes for me and the bump, which almost brings on another bout of tears! I swear, slap the word "wedding" or "baby" on something and it goes up at least 50%! I fear that Bond is going to have a stroke as more boxes come from UPS and FedEx everyday and though I never thought I'd say this, I am TIRED of shopping! And now, shopping for myself when I'm getting bigger is the last thing I want to do, especially when I've seen maternity jeans for $200 (!) so...I'm thinking mumu's. 

Okay, gotta run and finish crossing things off my 5 page list! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And the "Bad Blogger Award" goes to...


And as much as I hate them, I DO have some really great excuses: I have another, private blog for friends and family that I am also a little behind on (!), shopping out the ying-yang, trying to see as many friends as I can, get in as many appointments as I can with MDs, carpet cleaners, hair stylist, A/C guy, painter, carpenter, etc., a last minute trip to Brasil,  more shopping and A LOT of naps! 

So, that's basically what I've been up to as we are T-Minus 12 days until the movers come and pack up our house! I do hope to be a bit better at keeping this blog up to date once we are finally settled again, but I seriously doubt anyone has really missed me! ;)

What's that? What all I have we been shopping for, you ask?  Excellent the last 2 weeks, we have bought a table and chairs, a rug, patio furniture and I think ALL of the dresses in sizes NB to 12 months at BabyGap, since we found out we are having a little GIRL in September! :) We are thrilled and though this news deserves a post of it's own, this will have to do for now! But as a proud mama, I will force, I mean, SHOW, you all of the 3D images and movies that we got of our little menina swimming around and breathing amniotic fluid at 16 weeks! AH-MAY-ZING, let me tell you! I hope we get to go back before we leave at around 2o weeks! 

And, because I really can't stop now (!), I just started really showing this past week, have felt her move and KICK, and just yesterday, she kicked Bond's hand when it was on my tummy! So, so cool and I have to admit, I do push my tummy around "just" a little bit sometimes if I haven't felt her in awhile! So bad, I know, but now that I have felt her, the worrywart in me has come out full force! How my mother let me out of the womb, I'll never know because as much as I want to meet her, I just want her to be safe in there for as long as possible! Okay, enough baby stuff, though I really could go on...!

Other exciting news...we got our visas approved in Brasil on Monday and if the stars align, we're going to submit our passports at the Embassy back home on Friday and then 5-8 days later, we should be officially, official expats! Bond will be back down early May, but I'm spending the week with my mom and family in Nebraska over Mother's Day and then I'll be down here permanently in mid-May! I hate that we're not coming down together on our ONE-WAY tickets (gulp!), but this trip had already been planned before we knew when our visas were going to be submitted, so it is what it is and then no more traveling apart for a LONG time! Our one year anniversary is on April 25th, and I think we've spent about half of our first year apart! No fun...and no more! ;)

Speaking of here...I am in Brasil and have been the past week, but heading back tomorrow morning on the DAY flight this time! No more overnights for me while preggo if I can manage it. WAY to hard on my body if/when I can't sleep. It was a quick trip that wasn't going to happen originally, but there's just way too much going on for Bond and I to be apart for 2 weeks. When he's gone, we barely get to talk for more than 30 minutes/day because of his job and the time difference, so trying to make big decisions, catch up on day to day, etc. just doesn't happen and we end up getting into "discussions" that just make everything else worse..especially over the phone! It was a great trip though and once again, really looking forward to coming back...even if I do get quite homesick the second we land back home!

Since it was a holiday weekend, we went to Tabatinga Beach and to Ihlabela. Great weather and nice to relax a little bit before more craziness ensues! The expat group here also had a lunch today and there were probably 20 women there from all over...Spain, Italy, Mexico, Sweden, and of course, the US, so it was great to see several women I had met before, as well as some new friends! Everyone is just so helpful and I love hearing where everyone has been/where they're going and it's so nice to have such a great support system already in place. The group is really getting up and running now and there are a bunch of different committees. I am also really look forward to getting involved with the different charities that one of the mission groups works with down here since my last day with the Junior League was last week! Sad, but they'll be there when I get back!

As for the group, I was a little worried at first that it would be overwhelming to be in such a "small" group and kind of get stuck with the same group of friends and not really branch out, but that is not the case at all! There are over 70 members so far, and I just met a German family in our hotel this morning that is moving to a nearby town, so new people are always coming and going!

We also got to see our house again today and though it's definitely bigger than our condo at home, it's not as big as we remembered. It will feel a lot more cozy with all of our stuff in it, so that was a big relief! I also still love it, which I was worried about since when we first saw it, we were in and out in about 20 minutes!  

Okay, I better wrap this up since Bond should be back any minute and we are driving to Sao Paulo tonight so I can catch my flight back home in the morning! He comes back tomorrow night and then, well...I hope to update in between, but I imagine it will be more of the same this past month! So, that's my disclaimer and I refuse to feel guilty about it in between! ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

A stake in the ground

So we pulled the trigger on the "big house!" I haven't written much about it because it has been quite the ordeal, but basically our relocation consultant made a counter offer last week on our behalf...WITHOUT our consent. She couldn't get ahold of Bond since he was in a huge meeting that day (and why she didn't think to email or call me is still a mystery!), and so when she didn't hear back from him (not that we had a deadline!), she counter offered. It wouldn't have been so bad had it not been higher than we wanted to go (!), but with the exchange rate we are still okay and finally decided that the hassle of having to look again wasn't worth it. Yes, we were/are a bit confused by how this would even happen as well, but alas, "all's well that ends well," right?! That is if they accept our offer...! Since we don't have our visas yet, we had to push back our start date to June 1 vs May 1, so that was the only thing we changed. Bond is oddly optimistic that our visas will be approved in Brasil any day now, whereas I'm thinking end of April at the earliest. We'll see, we'll see...